Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pantonetessen. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pantonetessen. Mostrar todas las entradas
viernes, 13 de enero de 2012
møntsamling CPH: Ordliste

møntsamling CPH 0757 (texture): Sachertorte Sonnige Stube
møntsamling CPH: Citat
MUSEUM: Only the empty shapes of the formwork from which they came remember them. To the rest of us they are illegible memos. PHANTOM LIMBS created & curated by benandsebastian in association with Walk the Plank Award 2011, Forgotten Follies of Sølyst / transport cases / CONJECTURE | Designmuseum Danmark

MUSEUM: Kun the tomme rum i de støbeforme, de kom fra, husker dem. For os andre er de som ulæselige huskesedler. PHANTOM LIMBS skabt og kurateret af benandsebastian i forbindelse med Planten ud Prisen 2011, Forgotten Follies of Sølyst / transportkasser /CONJECTURE | Designmuseum Danmark
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